• What Is The Impossible Burger?

    What Is The Impossible Burger?

    An Impossible burger? Impossible? We get it. You may have a few questions. What makes a burger impossible? What is...

  • Top 5 Healthy Plant-Based Fats

    Top 5 Healthy Plant-Based Fats

    Gone are the days when we assume that having any fat in our diets is inherently a bad thing. Through...

  • How To Make a Plant-Based Pesto

    How To Make a Plant-Based Pesto

    Who says vegans can’t enjoy pesto? While traditional pesto is not suitable for vegans or vegetarians, there’s an easy, vegan...

  • Benefits Of Vegan Milk - Types And Brands

    Benefits Of Vegan Milk - Types And Brands

    A decade ago vegan milk was virtually unheard of. You had your cream, your full-fat milk and if you were...

  • Are Mushrooms Vegan?

    Are Mushrooms Vegan?

    Neither animal or vegetable, mushrooms are amazing organisms, hailed for their healing powers & funky flavors. But are mushrooms vegan?...

  • Can Going Plant-Based Make You A Better Athlete?

    Can Going Plant-Based Make You A Better Athlete?

    Have you seen 2018 critically acclaimed Netflix documentary “The Game Changers?”  Presented and executive produced by James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger,...

  • Benefits of Spirulina: Everything You Need To Know About This Superfood

    Benefits of Spirulina: Everything You Need To Know About This Superfood

    Spirulina is perhaps not as much of a household name in the superfood world as chia seeds or kale, but...

  • Top 5 Protein Sources to Build Lean Muscle

    Top 5 Protein Sources to Build Lean Muscle

    When it comes to building lean muscle, protein along with a solid exercise plan is the key to success. While...

  • What Are Superfoods? (And Why You Should Include Them In Your Diet)

    What Are Superfoods? (And Why You Should Include Them In Your Diet)

    Are there days when you wish for a superhero to come out and save us from this pandemic? Our eagerness...

  • What Are Probiotics?

    What Are Probiotics?

    Bacteria are often known as life’s antagonists because of their noted harmful effects on the human body. But did you...

  • A Nutritionists Top Clean Eating Tips

    A Nutritionists Top Clean Eating Tips

    Spring is in the air, and it’s a natural time to opt for a spring clean, so why not start...

  • Plant-Based Milk Guide: Everything You Need To Know

    Plant-Based Milk Guide: Everything You Need To Know

    In recent years, the plant-based milk market has gone BOOM. While for good reason, the humble consumer is sometimes left...

  • What Are The Benefits Of Dark Chocolate

    What Are The Benefits Of Dark Chocolate

    When life gets tough, chocolates are there to save the day. Taking a quick bite or having sight of several...

  • How To Build The Best Plant-Based Pantry

    How To Build The Best Plant-Based Pantry

    A well-stocked pantry is a secret weapon for making delicious plant-based meals at home. If you're in a pinch, this...

  • How To Get Enough Vitamin D On A Plant-Based Diet

    How To Get Enough Vitamin D On A Plant-Based Diet

    Known as the sunshine vitamin, vitamin D is essential for good health. It is produced naturally by your body in...