• Which Indoor Plants Are Suitable For Christmas Gifting?

    Which Indoor Plants Are Suitable For Christmas Gifting?

    Plants make great cruelty-free Christmas gifts that keep long after the Christmas decorations come down. Not only do our leafy...

  • 10 Best Indoor Plants For Home And Office To Reduce Stress And Anxiety

    10 Best Indoor Plants For Home And Office To Reduce Stress And Anxiety

    People of all ages and backgrounds will experience feelings of stress and anxiety in their lifetime. If you have ever...

  • 4 Plant Wall Decor Ideas for Your Home

    4 Plant Wall Decor Ideas for Your Home

    Bringing some plants into your home is one of the best and most common design choices to elevate the style...

  • How To Care For Your Anthurium

    How To Care For Your Anthurium

    With its striking, dazzling red flowers, it would be hard not to notice this world’s longest blooming plant. Also known...

  • Calathea Plant Care Guide

    Calathea Plant Care Guide

    Having a stunner centerpiece and a natural air-purifier all in one plant is the dream of all plant enthusiasts. Calathea...

  • Top 5 Indoor Plants for Small Apartments

    Top 5 Indoor Plants for Small Apartments

    Is there any other object, other than maybe a long lost Van Gogh, that brings more life, color, and joy...

  • How To Care For Fiddle Leaf Fig

    How To Care For Fiddle Leaf Fig

    Fiddle Leaf Fig is one of the most popular houseplants kept by your favorite productivity, lifestyle, or slow-living Youtubers. So...

  • How Does Seasonal Change Effect Indoor Plants?

    How Does Seasonal Change Effect Indoor Plants?

    Whether you have low light plants, air-purifying plants, or any other kind if indoor houseplant, each type has its own...

  • Why Plant Gift Delivery Is Perfect for Every Occasion

    Why Plant Gift Delivery Is Perfect for Every Occasion

    It's almost the end of the year, with Christmas arriving in only a few days and a New Year about...