RightRice - Garlic Herb Rice Made from Vegetables, 7oz

RightRice - Garlic Herb Rice Made from Vegetables, 7oz
RightRice - Garlic Herb Rice Made from Vegetables, 7oz - back
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RightRice - Garlic Herb Rice Made from Vegetables, 7oz

Brand - RightRice
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Quick Description

RightRice is a healthy rice alternative with more protein and fiber and fewer carbohydrates. Add a tasty twist to your meals with Garlic Herb RightRice.

Key Information

  • Product of California
  • Non-GMO Ingredients
  • Gluten-Free
  • Low glycemic index
  • More protein, fiber, and fewer net carbs than white rice

Product Overview

RightRice is made from 90% nutritious vegetables including chickpeas, lentils, and peas, blended to produce the same taste and texture as rice. This rice alternative is an easy and tasty way to reduce carbohydrates and increase plant-based protein in your diet.

Each serving of RightRice contains 10g of complete plant-based protein and 5 g of fiber.

This Garlic Herb RightRice is seasoned with garlic and with fresh herbs, making it a flavorsome addition to your favorite dishes. Try it with your favorite curry or veggie chili, wrap it in a burrito, or eat it cold as the base for a light and fresh rice salad.

This versatile alternative is dried so you can keep it in your kitchen cupboard, ready for whenever you need it. RightRice even cooks quicker than white rice!


Lentil flour, chickpea flour, pea fiber, rice flour, sunflower oil, sea salt, garlic powder, spices, onion powder, sugar, yeast extract, parsley, citric acid, extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice solids, red wine vinegar, white balsamic vinegar solids, tartaric acid, chili pepper, natural flavors.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I cook RightRice?

RighRice is easy to cook and takes even less time than ordinary rice. You will need 1 cup of water for each cup of RightRice. Bring the water to boil in a saucepan, add your RightRice, then immediately remove the pan from the heat and cover it with a lid.

Leave the rice to stand in the pan for 12 minutes away from the heat. Fluff the grains apart with a fork, leave to sit for 3 minutes more, then serve.

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