Heart-leaf ‘Brazil’ Philodendron cordatum ‘Brazil’, 8"HB

Heart-leaf ‘Brazil’| Philodendron cordatum ‘Brazil’, 8"HB - PlantX US
Heart-leaf ‘Brazil’| Philodendron cordatum ‘Brazil’, 8"HB - PlantX US
Heart-leaf ‘Brazil’| Philodendron cordatum ‘Brazil’, 8"HB - PlantX US
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Heart-leaf ‘Brazil’ Philodendron cordatum ‘Brazil’, 8"HB

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Quick Description

This is a winner amongst plant enthusiasts for its fast growing, beautiful vining habit. The Heart Leaf has a very distinct look - you guessed it, heart shaped leaves!

Key Information and Plant Overview

  • Other Common Names: Heart Leaf Philo, Heart Leaf Plant
  • Binomial Name: Philodendron cordatum
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Light: Bright, indirect
  • Water: Allow top 2 inches of soil to dry
  • Pet Friendly: No

Native to Brazil this trailing heart leaf philodendron has a doppelganger, The Jade Pothos! While the two look very similar and have similar requirements. The heartleaf plants' leaves are slightly thinner and have a very distinct heart shape to their leaves. This is a winner amongst plant enthusiasts for its fast growing, beautiful vining habit.

PlantX Top Tip: The thin leaves are susceptible to burning in direct sunlight. Instead place your plant in a location with bright, indirect sunlight.

How to Care for Heart Leaf Philodendron

  • Light: Prefers bright indirect to medium light.
  • Water: Allowing the top 1-2” of soil to dry between watering. Watering thoroughly and removing excess water. Do not allow the soil to become completely dry.
  • Humidity: Average relative humidity of 25% to 49%
  • Temperature: Average from 18°C to 24°C (65°F - 75°F)
  • Fertilizer: Follow a monthly fertilizing schedule when the plant is actively growing. In most cases, this is in the spring and summer. Use a balanced fertilizer - this means a ratio of NPK that is all the same. Ex: 10-10-10.
  • Soil: Use a well-draining, high organic matter soil mix.
  • Propagation: Stem cuttings
  • Repotting: Can be done every 12-18 months. Choose a pot that is 2” larger in diameter than the original pot.
  • Cleaning Tip: Remove cataphylls (papery sheath) once they become dry to keep the plant looking fresh!
  • Toxicity: Toxic. Keep plants away from children and pets.

Heart Leaf Philodendron - Common Problems

Why is my plant wilting? Pothos are a great companion, they tell you exactly when they need to be watered. If the leaves are starting to droop down, it’s time to water!

Why are the leaves turning yellow? There is a chance your plant is overwatered. Allow the top 2 inches of the soil to dry before watering again. Plants also lose their leaves at the base as they grow older, this is natural.

Why are the tips of my plant turning brown? Browning leaves are a sign of far too much sun or not enough water. Place your plant in a spot with bright indirect light but no direct sun. This will burn the leaves.

Signs of Overwatering: New growth becomes soft and brown and the leaves begin to drop.

Common Pests: Mealybugs, spider mites, and scale.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to care for heart leaf philodendron?

The Heart Leaf philodendron thrives in a well-draining, high organic matter soil mix and likes to be fertilized once or twice during the active growing season. Allow the soil to dry out between waterings and water every 1-2 weeks. The Heart Leaf philodendron will tolerate dry air but prefers to be in environments with 40% humidity. Provide your plant with bright indirect light, with temperatures between 18-24°C (65°F-75°F). 

How to propagate philodendron?

You can root Philodendron stem cuttings in a small container of moist potting soil or a cup of water. To take a cutting from your Philodendron plant, use clean scissors to remove a piece of stem about 3-6 inches long. Make your cut just above a node.

When to plant philodendron cuttings?

When your rooted cuttings are about an inch long, place the cuttings into a container that is about 3-4 inches in diameter and fill the container with fresh potting soil. Provide your plant with bright, indirect light.

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