Goldfish Plant Nematanthus Gregarius, 4"

Goldfish Plant | Nematanthus Gregarius, 4" - PlantX US
Goldfish Plant | Nematanthus Gregarius, 4" - PlantX US
Goldfish Plant | Nematanthus Gregarius, 4" - PlantX US
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Goldfish Plant Nematanthus Gregarius, 4"

Brand - PlantX US
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Quick Description

The Goldfish plant blooms in a variety of reds, oranges, and yellows. They acquire their name from the unusual shape of their flowers which closely resemble cute tiny goldfish.

Key Information and Plant Overview

  • Other Common Names: Goldfish Plant, Guppy plant
  • Binomial Name: Nematanthus gregarius
  • Care Level: Easy 
  • Light: Bright indirect
  • Water: Allow the top 2” of the soil to dry
  • Pet Friendly: Yes

The Goldfish plant is native to Southern Mexico, Brazil, and Costa Rica. There are over 25 different varieties known to exist! These plants thrive in a temperature range between 18°C - 29°C (65°F-85°F). be careful that they are not subject to intense heat/ sunlight that can burn the leaves. This easy-care for drought-resistant houseplant does best in bright indirect light. If provided with the right temperatures and light, the goldfish plant can produce flowers all year long.

The Goldfish plant blooms in a variety of reds, oranges, and yellows. They acquire their name from the unusual shape of their flowers which closely resemble cute tiny goldfish. This vining plant can reach up to 3 feet long, has long, thick, waxy, and dark green leaves, and makes for an excellent hanging plant.

PlantX Top Tip: If you need to clean your plant, just use a spray nozzle in the shower or sink to rinse your plant's foliage.

How to Care for Goldfish Plant

  • Light: Bright indirect light, keep away from intense heat.
  • Water: Allow the top 2" of soil to dry before watering. This plant can tolerate short periods where the soil is completely dry.
  • Humidity: Average relative humidity of 25% to 49%
  • Temperature: Average from 18°C to 24°C (65°F - 75°F)
  • Fertilizer: Weekly during the growing season of spring and summer months. Cut back to monthly feeding in the winter. and use a balanced fertilizer. Ex 5-5-5. If using a Liquid fertilizer make sure to dilute with water before applying.
  • Soil: Use a well-draining, high organic matter soil mix.
  • Propagation: Stem cuttings that do not have flower buds on them and are about two to three inches long.
  • Repotting: Prefer to be rootbound. Can be done every 12-18 months. Choose a pot that is 2” larger in diameter than the original pot.
  • Cleaning Tip: Occasionally rinse your plant’s foliage with clean water and let it sit in a well-ventilated area.
  • Toxicity: Non-toxic

Goldfish Plant - Common Problems

Tips of leaves are browning: The soil might have excess calcium build-up. If you notice the tips of the leaves are turning brown, switch to filtered water.

Susceptible to diseases: The plant is susceptible to botrytis mold, fungal leaf spot, and mosaic virus. All stem from overly saturated soil and limited airflow. To prevent any disease from forming ensure the soil is well-draining and water only when the top 2” of the soil is dry. Clean your pruning tools regularly.

Dropping leaves: A severely dehydrated plant will begin to drop leaves. Ensure you are using a well-draining, high organic matter soil mix and allow the top 2” of the soil to dry in between watering.

Signs of Overwatering: New growth becomes soft and brown and the leaves begin to drop. 

Common Pests: Mealybugs, spider mites, and scale.

Frequently Asked Questions

There is webbing on the leaves: This could be caused by a spider mite infestation. Inspect the underside of the leaves. Place the plant in your shower, sink, or bath and run a steady stream of water over the foliage to remove any present pest and dust. To prevent a pest infestation, frequently clean the leaves with a damp cloth, inspect for any signs of pests frequently, and ensure the plant remains happy and not stressed. 

My Goldfish plant is not blooming: Give it plenty of bright, indirect light. Keep the soil slightly dry in the winter to help promote heavy flowering in spring. 

Should I replant if the plant seems rootbound? No, the Goldfish plant likes to be slightly root-bound and blooms best this way.

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