Mary Ruth's - Supplement K2 Drops Unflavored, 1oz

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Mary Ruth's - Supplement K2 Drops Unflavored, 1oz

Brand - Mary Ruth's
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Quick Description

Mary Ruth's K2 Drops contain natural vitamin K2 to help support bone and heart health. Gluten, sugar, and soy-free, they are designed for the whole family to use.

Key Information

  • 125% RDV Vitamin K2 per serving
  • Designed to promote bone health
  • Formulated to support heart function
  • Suitable for adults and children
  • Non-GMO, gluten-free, sugar-free, soy-free, keto-friendly

Product Overview

Mary Ruth's K2 Drops contain a natural form of vitamin K called menaquinone which is essential for blood clotting and bone health. 

Taking menaquinone has been linked to helping calcium bind to bones, a crucial step in maintaining a strong and upright posture. It is also said to prevent the calcium from going astray and depositing into arteries, in turn also protecting the heart.

Unlike other forms of vitamin K, Mary Ruth's K2 Drops are fully plant-based and derived from natto, a fermented soybean food, known as the richest natural source of vitamin K2.

What about allergens? The fermentation process removes soy from Mary Ruth's K2 Drops, making them safe for people with soy allergies. They are also gluten-free and have an olive oil base instead of glycerin, making it keto-friendly.

Take Mary Ruth's K2 Drops daily to maintain healthy bones and heart. This formula is also child-friendly.


Per Serving (15 Drops): 100 mcg Vitamin K2 (MK7), Organic Olive Oil.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can my kids take the same amount of Mary Ruth's K2 Drops per day?

Unless otherwise suggested by your physician, we recommend the following age-based dosage:

2 - 3 Years: 5 Drops (35 mcg)
4 - 14 Years: 7 Drops (50 mcg)
14 - 18 Years: 15 Drops or ⅓ Dropperful (100 mcg)
19+ Years: 15 Drops or ⅓ Dropperful (100 mcg)
Pregnant and/or Lactating: 15 Drops or ⅓ Dropperful (100 mcg)

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