Anima Mundi - Dream Elixir: Sleep Aid, 4 fl oz

Anima Mundi - Dream Elixir: Sleep Aid, 4 fl oz

Brand - Anima Mundi
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Quick Description

Anima Mundi’s Dream Elixir: Sleep Aid is a botanical blend designed to help with insomnia and enhance deep visionary sleep. 

Key Information 

  • Adaptogenic
  • Gluten-free & no added sugar 
  • Designed to enhance brain function
  • Formulated to encourage deep sleep and lucid dreaming

Product Overview

Anima Mundi’s Dream Elixir: Sleep Aid is a dream tonic that is designed to enhance sleep and lucid dreaming. It is formulated to help you relax with its botanical blend that decompresses the nervous system while it helps you reach a meditative state.

Anima Mundi Dream Elixir is extracted with reverse osmosis water, using organic vegetable glycerin, and organic cane alcohol, with adaptogenic herbs from different parts of the world. They can boost hypothalamic function, increase pituitary and pineal response, and help with increasing the strength of some organs.

To enjoy Anima Mundi Dream Elixir just add 1-2tsp to any herbal tea, or consume it directly on the tongue. If you are using it for insomnia best consume 30 minutes before bed and increase the dosage slowly if needed. Store the container in a cool and dry place away from direct bright light.


Ashwagandha Root*, Kava Kava, Passionflower*, Fresh Ginger Root*, Skullcap leaf*, Blue Lotus, Rose Petals, Calea Zacatechichi, Rose Geranium Essential oil. Extracted in Vegetable Glycerin* and Cane Spirits*.
*Organic / ^Wildcrafted

Frequently Asked Questions

How many servings are there in Anima Mundi’s Dream Elixir: Sleep Aid?

Anima Mundi’s Dream Elixir: Sleep Aid contains 24 servings per container when used as advised- 1 tablespoon per serving.

Where do the ingredients in the Dream Elixir come from? 

Calea Zacatechichi is native to Central America, Kava Kava comes from the Pacific Islands, and Passionflower is traditionally used in all of Latin America. 

Blue Lotus is used in Ancient Maya and Egypt. All of these plants have been commonly used in rituals to achieve a deep meditative state and experience visionary sleep.

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