Glonuts - Snickerdoodle, 2.3oz

Glonuts - Snickerdoodle, 2.3oz
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Glonuts - Snickerdoodle, 2.3oz

Brand - Glonuts
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Quick Description

Looking for some wonderfully fabulous vegan donuts? Glonuts has designed these lovely snickerdoodle donuts that are packed full of sweet flavor that you will absolutely adore!

Key Information

  • Vegan donuts
  • Cinnamon and vanilla Snickerdoodle flavor
  • 130 calories per donut
  • Vegan, gluten-free, soy-free
  • Keep refrigerated

Product Description

These fabulous Snickerdoodle donuts will add some sweet deliciousness to your life. Glonuts has designed these lovely snickerdoodle donuts that are packed with sweet flavors that you will love! Cinnamon and vanilla help to make this a beautiful donut that the whole family can enjoy. Each donut is only 130 calories per serving which means you don’t have to break your diet to enjoy them!


Almond Flour*, Organic Coconut, Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, Organic Coconut Butter, Erythritol*, Monkfruit*, Filtered Water, Organic Vanilla Extract, Organic Cinnamon, Himalayan Pink Salt.

*Non-Gmo Ingredient

Allergens - Tree Nuts (Almond, Coconut)

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