Why You Should Make The Switch To Plant-Based Vitamins & Supplements

Why You Should Make The Switch To Plant-Based Vitamins & Supplements

Compared to the typical Western diet, going vegan is definitely the healthier choice, but does that mean you’ll be getting all the nutrients you need with a purely vegan diet?    As it turns out, there are several key nutrients that a plant-based diet simply can’t provide — Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, DHA/EPA, iodine, zinc, selenium, magnesium, and vitamin K2. That’s why it’s advisable for vegan eaters to take supplements.    And now, you may be wondering: Which one, synthetic or plant-based supplements?   

What’s the difference between synthetic and whole-food vitamins?

Synthetic vitamins are made from “isolated nutrients.” They are made using industrial processes, instead of being incorporated in plant or food source. These synthetic vitamins are chemically identical to their natural counterparts, but despite their similarities, synthetic and plant-based vitamins still have differences in how they are absorbed and used in the body.    Whole food vitamins contain more than the isolated nutrients. For instance, they contain higher amounts of fiber, minerals, and phytochemicals that are lost during the industrial process of producing synthetic vitamins.   

Why should I switch to plant-based supplements?

  • Better absorption
Because synthetic and natural vitamins are produced differently, synthetic supplements lack the natural accompanying compounds in the whole-food form. Therefore, the body may act differently to the industrially produced form of the vitamins.  Natural supplements come with co-nutrients, chemicals that affect the absorption of the vitamins in the human body. Through these co-nutrients or supporting compounds, the bioavailability of the vitamins in the body increases making it easier to absorb plant-based supplements better than synthetic ones. In fact, natural B vitamins are absorbed 150% better than the synthetic counterparts.   
  • Aids in weight management and health
Weight management and the desire to move sports and performance products into the mainstream consumption increase the market for plant protein and other plant-based vitamins.  Whole-food supplements like flavonoid roots can significantly improve cardiovascular health. What’s more, it has unmatched antioxidant properties that will get rid of toxins and unhealthy cholesterol in the blood, improving circulatory and cardiovascular health.   
  • Better for the environment 
Last but not least, switching to plant-based supplements will moderate animal-based protein consumption and the environmental impact of the industrial production of synthetic vitamins.  This means you can live and eat healthy while keeping an eye on what’s best for the planet.    The general rule of thumb is to eat a little bit of everything to make sure you’re getting enough of your much-needed nutrients. But there’s only so much your food can do for you. As a plant-based eater, consult your doctor about the supplements you need, check for certifications, and look for quality, whole food supplements that will keep your nutrition complete and wholesome.