Tips for Traveling on a Plant-based Diet

Tips for Traveling on a Plant-based Diet

Planning a trip and feeling a little bit anxious about maintaining your plant-based diet while away? Taking your plant-based diet on the road can be intimidating especially if you’re relatively new to this way of eating. No need to fret though, because we’ve got you covered! Here are a few simple tips to help you have the most delicious – and stress-free – trip. 

Pack Smart

Planning ahead is important for staying on top of your plant-based diet. When traveling, you can’t always be sure where or when your next meal will come from and you may not have access to the same variety of foods that you’re used to while at home. Having some plant-based snacks on hand that will supply you with proper nutrition is the key to avoiding any hanger tantrums – and trust us, you want to avoid those at all costs!

Do Your Research 

Research your destination ahead of time, and pick out some great places to eat that will accommodate your diet. Thanks to the world wide web, it’s never been easier to research and find something that’s just right. Helpful websites like Happy Cow are amazing for finding that perfect plant-based meal that you’re craving.

Be Adventurous

Part of the fun of experiencing a new place is trying out the native cuisine or local specialty items. Even if your destination isn’t known for plant-based foods, be sure to try out the local markets and pick out some interesting grains, veggies, or fruits that you’ve never tried before. For example, while in Central/South America, you can try out some plantains.

Choose your Travel Destination Wisely

There are lots of countries to travel to that are more ‘plant-based-friendly’. For example, places like Peru grow an abundance of superfoods and vegetables. Or Bali is known for its fresh fruits and vegan restaurants. India has the highest number of vegetarians in the world, so it’s a great place to explore while sticking to a plant-based diet. 

Uncover Useful Phrases

If traveling to a country with a different language, make sure that you are equipped with a few keywords to explain your dietary restrictions in confidence. Your phone can be a very useful tool to carry around and help translate for you.

 Stay Somewhere with a Kitchen

This can be a helpful option if you’re staying somewhere remote with minimal dining options. Plus it gives you the chance to explore the local markets and experiment with local produce. You can get creative with the ingredients that you pick up and whip up some delicious new recipes. Bonus: This can also be a great money-saving trick as well. 

As you can see it’s easy enough to travel on a plant-based diet; it just takes a bit of planning, and of course lots of fun. Eat healthy, wherever you are.